Anna Jones’ modern moussaka

Anna Jones mousakka

This delicious modern moussaka (loving known as moose-ka-ka in our house) was one of the first recipes I cooked from Anna Jones’ a modern way to cookI’m quite partial to moussaka as it’s packed with some of my all time favourite ingredients: tomatoes, aubergines and potatoes. Continue reading

Quorn lasagne

Quorn lasagne

It’s very rare that I only have to cook one meal for all three of us to sit down and eat at the same time. So, when the boy revealed that he liked lasagne, and knowing that he’s already a fan of my Quorn and hidden veg Bolognese sauce there was only ever one thing to make – Quorn lasagne. Ideally I’d be making a delicious lentil sauce, but that would be one step too far for the little man, so I chose this meat-free lasagne recipe from Quorn. Continue reading

Fragrant herb and star anise pho

Anna Jones Pho

I’ve already got a go-to Vegetarian Pho recipe I’ve tried and tested, and both the husband and I rather like. But being a sucker for any Anna Jones recipe (I know, Anna Jones again) I thought I should give her Fragrant herb and star anaise pho recipe a go. I love 99.9% of her recipes and if there was such a thing as desert island recipe book I would definitely take one of hers with me. But I digress. Continue reading

Black bean and sweet potato

Black bean and sweet potato

Having a jacket potato for your supper, may not sound like the most tasty thing in the world, but with a little bit of inspiration from the very clever Anna Jones, a humble sweet potato was turned into something very special indeed.

What I love about Anna’s recipes is that she makes cooking reasonably accessible to everyone. Very few ingredients are out of  the ordinary, and it doesn’t take too much time or effort to put them together. Continue reading

Broccoli cashew stir-fry

Broccoli and cashew stir-fr

With an abundance of broccoli languishing in the bottom of the fridge as I’d forgotten what I’d actually bought it for, and knowing that I had a bag of cashew nuts in the cupboard, I decided to combine them to make a cashew and broccoli stir-fry.

If I’m honest, I’m not a huge fan of stir fries, but the husband is quite partial and if he ever orders one from the local takeaway it usually involves some kind of veg and cashew nuts. So, I was on to a winner. Continue reading