about me

Gas Mark 5 I’m a forty-something mum-of-one, living and cooking in London.

I’ve got a huge collection of cookbooks (so many that the shelf they sit on makes a regular protest by detaching itself from the wall), an oven  that doesn’t have any visible numbers on it (so most of my cooking gets done at approximately gas mark 5 – hence the name of the blog), a  husband who claims to be vegetarian – but eats fish, a fussy toddler – who mostly eats jam sandwiches, a meat and two-veg consuming set  of in-laws and a mother who has a gluten intolerance. But, I’m not moaning, I like a challenge.

This blog is a record of my culinary experiments as I trawl through my cookbooks trying to please my dinner guests.

2 thoughts on “about me

  1. Just discovered your blog. I am really enjoying looking at the archive. Like you I have a huge collection of cook books nice to read about your tried and tested recipes – thanks.

    I noticed that there are no further additional write ups after 2016. Have you changed the name of your blog or is it just not currently active?


    1. Hi Nina. Glad you like the blog. Work and life have got in they way of blogging but am planning on making a comeback soon. Have been cooking up a storm and have lots of photos that just need writing about. Watch this space!


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